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On the 2nd Day of April

"What I observed: It was a good day ahead and all of the significant people in my life are present by that day. It is through coincidence that made it happen, God caused that because these people make my faith in God better and with Zeal and Compassion. I will remember this day as special. Hope was found. Self is restored. Got rid of the negative vibes. God revealed to me the channel of the blessings. First, I was able to encounter the person who made a significant impact in my days in college as a fellow Social Science division Intramurals Athlete. I will write a separate article on this guy because it is too long for this article alone. This guy is has always reminded me of Gods' forgiveness everytime I saw him try to manifest it on me. God used this person as a blessing and through this person God used this guy to mirror me how to discipline myself and focus on everything I do. How wonderful it is to see him fight his struggles in his college life, maybe it is an adversary

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